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House Herbal Liqueur

 2 oz Mint
 4 Thyme Springs
 1 oz Lemongrass
 1 zested Lemon
 20 Juniper Berries
 6 Cardamom Pods
 2 Anise Pods
 3 Whole Nutmegs crushes
 2 Tsp Fennel
 3 Cubed Pears
 5 cups White Sugar
 5 cups Filtered water
 ¼ tsp Citric Acid
 20 Drops of liquid chlorophyll
Herbal Liqueur

2 oz mint
4 thyme springs
1 oz lemongrass
Zest 1 lemon
⁃ boil herbs together with four cups H20


20 juniper berries
6 cardamom pods
2 anise pods
3 nutmeg
2 tsp fennel
Bash/grind and toast in a dry pan until fragrant but before smoking
⁃ Add to herbal water
⁃ Add four cups of white sugar
⁃ Let simmer on low for an hour. Once the sugar is combined add 20 drops of liquid chlorophyll.
⁃ Add 375 ml vodka and set aside without straining and let steep for 48 hrs

Make a separate simple syrup

3 cubed pears
Zest of two limes and one lemon
1/4 tsp citric acid
1 cups H20
1 cups white sugar
⁃ Simmer on low for an hour
⁃ Combine simple syrups and strain out herbs after 48 hrs.